"A sense of belonging and trust is established within a Christian environment. Children are encouraged to explore, create, be curious, be independent, have fun and learn."
Our Philosophy
Te Whare Rama Early Learning Centres empower each child with the knowledge that they are special, that they have gifts, identities and abilities unique to them.
We value the history of Aotearoa and strive to protect the taonga that is te reo and te ao Māori, weaving this into our daily practice to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We partner collaboratively with whānau, welcoming the richness that all our different cultures bring.
Our centres are located in the Ngāi Tahu tribal area and in the takiwa of Ngāi Tūāhuriri as mana whenua.
We provide a play-based, interest-led curriculum based on Te Whāriki, where children experience a wide variety of opportunities with a strong focus on identifying strengths and meeting individual needs.
Children are respected and valued as individuals and we tailor our inclusive curriculum to empower each one. A sense of belonging and trust is established and children are encouraged to explore, create, be curious, be independent, have fun and learn.
A foundational strength of our centres lies in the relationships we develop with tamariki, whānau, colleagues and the wider community. Connections are respectful, intentional and positive.
Our kaiako are highly motivated, caring, supportive, enthusiastic, committed to having a growth mindset and take pride in the profession.
Sustainability and natural play areas hold value for us and we encourage kaitiaki within our environments. Our centres are well-resourced.
Christian principles and values are interwoven into our daily life.
We recognise that we are all ākonga and that the learning journey never ends.

Children have many opportunities to participate in an interesting, well-resourced programme. They access a rich and responsive curriculum. We have a passionate, dedicated and committed team of teachers who know children well and work effectively together to identify and meet childrens’ learning and wellbeing needs.
Our Programme


